Becoming a sales manager is an achievement in itself. It shows a certain level of competence and earned trust. It doesn't indicate that there is nothing else to learn.
One thing that many individuals who become sales managers develop along the way is a healthy ego. This is not necessarily a bad thing, however, it can lead to the perception that there is nothing left to learn or that the brain is full. This generally means that the manager will cease to be open to new ideas that can help generate sales and help remove obstacles to doing business.
The biggest obstacle to doing more business in most selling organizations is an under trained sales team. A frequent impediment to having a properly trained group of selling masters are business owners or sales managers who feel that they know everything and they will teach everything they know to their salespeople. They believe that it should be good enough. Sorry to say. it isn't!
Active models
The fact is that none of us who sell for a living or who train sales people, knows absolutely everything about selling techniques. Nor do we all understand what is going on in the minds of our prospects or even in the minds of our sales staff, in spite of what our egos would like to tell us.
After over 35 years selling and training with a great deal of success, I still want new knowledge. I still search out or develop new ways to train salespeople so that they will gain that critical advantage over their competition.
As a sales trainer, I want to be able to add more and better techniques and strategies to what I'm passing on. I seek extra knowledge for one simple reason. I can't share what I don't possess, can I$%:
Creative paragraphs:
I've never met a truly successful sales manager who was so brilliant that he or she was closed minded to learning new techniques, tips and strategies. They all understand that there is always room for one, two or even a dozen more tools in the toolbox, especially power tools.
It's always been my opinion that a sales manager's number one job is to remove obstacles to getting the sale. Since the number one obstacle to the sale in most organizations is a poorly or under trained sales force, the managers and business owners should always be looking for ways to grab an advantage for their team. Even if it means setting their personal egos aside. Does that make sense$%:
Poorly trained salespeople actually lose more sales opportunities than they close, don't they$%: A manager seeking to be truly effective in any sales organization will constantly seek out ways to develop professionally throughout his or her career.